The Possiblity of Reaching Bax’s Normilasation in our national context: Why is it possible?When is it possible/reached/achieved?How will it be reached? EDU401

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalization' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

In the article of Stephan Bax we found that he discussed the development of the CALL through the past, present and future. Also, he found the three phases of CALL which divided previously by Mark Warschauer.

This article seeks answers to three questions: where has Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) been, where is it now and where is it going?

He suggested to plan for this normalised state and then move towards it.
1- The first step is to identify the criterial factors which normalisation requires. 
2- The second is to audit the practice of each teaching context in the light of these criteria; 
3- the final step is to adjust our current practice in each aspect so as to encourage normalisation.

Bax suggested we will achieve normalization when computers are used every day in our classrooms of learning language by students and teachers. He also suggested that to achieve normalization we have to identify what are the criteria we need to reach normalization. Second step is to evaluate what each teaching context need for its practices according to the criteria we'd identify in the first step. The last step is to try our best to adjust what we use now in teaching so we encourage normalization.

Normalisation is the stage when a technology is invisible, hardly even recognised as a technology,

How these changes and means could be applied to our Saudi context?
These changes start gradually apply to our Saudi context, but we just need some time.
When is it possible/reached/achieved?
I think many universties in Saudi Arabia start to use technologies nowdays like computers, projectors, smart boards, and iPads as an important tools. Also model schools are start to provide to their students a laptops to do their homeworks.
Why is it possible?
Becouse ministry of education has a possibilities to provides these technologies.
How will it be reached?
- Give each student a computer to use it as an important tool to do his/ her work and projects. 
-  If teachers and students are able to use CALL  without any fear.
  - When students can use it in a proper way.
- Create eductional programs or eductional websites so the students can get their lessons and homeworks and  dates of the quizes and exams, and if they have any question they can ask and the teacher or the classmate will reply. 
- When Ministry of Education provides all of the technologies that the teachers and students need it, and they should trained well how to use it.


Reham Hossan said...

Good work Hind :)

Unknown said...

Hi Hanoo

I really like your reflecting and I agree with you in" students must learn that technology is not just a kind of entertainment

good work

Unknown said...

hi hind,
,I enjoyed reading your post
thank you...